
How to carry out a relevant e-mailing campaign?

How to carry out a relevant e-mailing campaign?

More than half of the professionals receive at least ten e-mails a day and feel they get even more (SNCD, 2019). The main question to ask when you decide to carry out a relevant emailing campaign is how to make a difference and a good impact in the inbox. Here are some tips & tricks based on the EMA - Email marketing attitude btoB study conducted in 2019 by the SNCD.

First of all, make sure your database is well structured thanks to our article on Data quality. Next ...

Take care of the appearance and the content of your message. 50% of professionals open an advertising email to get information and 19% discover new products. You can attract their attention by creating visually pleasant content, easy to read, original and personalized emails.

Choose the right formats. Your targets read their emails on a tablet, computer, smartphone ... The format of your email must be adapted to all media otherwise it will go straight to the trash.

Choose the right moment. An email sent at 10am on Monday arrives at the top of the target's inbox when they arrive at work. It's more likely to be.

Attract attention. You can use images, colors, and a catchphrase in the subject line of the email to catch the reader's attention. 66% of professionals open mail based on the sender, so use an email address with the name of your company as the domain name.

Keep the attention. An advertising email must be short so that the recipient can understand the message in a very short time. You only have a few seconds to convince him ...

Inciting action.
If your offer interests them, your target will: go to your website (84%), request a quote (61%), fill out a contact form (56%) or contact you by phone (45%). Make their task easier by clearly indicating your contact details and important links: one click should be enough to take action.

Spacing out the campaigns. 37% of professionals unsubscribe because they receive too many emails. So avoid overloading them (this could damage your company's image).

Now you have no more excuses! 50% of people have already purchased at least one product or service as a result of a professional email, what will be your return on investment?

If you need a helping hand to design your campaigns, don't hesitate to contact us.